Miyerkules, Pebrero 20, 2013

New Item: Olympus VF1 Optical Viewfinder

So here's the deal, everybody knows that i own an Olympus EP2 or should i say if you red my other blog you may know I own such a camera. Again it is a great camera with  full metal body, interchangeable lens, though i only use 1 lens which is the 17mm2.8 pancake, small, retro-looking. And to cut the story short its great a highly recommended one, you guys can watch reviews in youtube or read about it in the internet cause hell no! i aint going to give you all the specific of the camera.
I always dream of the electronic viewfinder the VF2 in particular i saw and red a lot of reviews how really good and why it is a must have accesory when you own a PEN camera but due to financial constraint and other stuff that i cannot divulge i settle for the VF1 or should i say i choose the VF1. 

Its been awhile since i am checking for its price in amazon, B&H, ebay and other camstore and since i dont have a credit card(poor me) i cant obviously order one(holy crap) not to mention that i live in the Philippines which again not in the capital but in the province(oh noooohhhh).

Im on the brink of giving up that viewfinder whether be it an optical or an electronic one, its just impossible for me at this point in my life. 
Here comes facebook where people of every walk of life meet, make friends, find love and of course enemy,     and buy-sell things. Other people make groups exclusive for perverts, maniacs, people planning for world domination and of course camera enthusiast and i happen to be a member of the latter. In that group people meet with their common interest, talk about things again sell and buy thing. 

Thanks to that page one member is selling his VF1 for a price that i can pay, thanks God, this is it, its my time to own you elusive VF1!, so i talk to the seller, meet at a certain price, wire him the money and sent me the package and...............

A moment of silence for my VF1

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Miyerkules, Enero 2, 2013

EP-2 with Holga fisheye lens and viewfinder

Christmas of 2012 i received my Olympus EP-2 from my girlfriend, it is a beautifully crafted metal body micro 4/3 camera, small yet packed with pro performance(wanna know more about the camera? google it!).

Long christmas vacation drove me crazy and bored so i decided to make a somewhat useful piece of photographic equipment, and if you red my other blog i mentioned before that i own a lomo camera which is a Holga 120 CGFN with a fisheye lens so with fisheye  viewfinder. 

Long story short, i fitted the fisheye lens to my Oly EP-2 and it turns out to be  a perfect match, so using black electrical tape, I taped the fisheye lens to the lens of my Oly. Also i fitted the fisheye viewfinder and it looks so natural.

Here are my sample shot using this combo. Enjoy!

Lunes, Disyembre 31, 2012

Letter to me

‎"He's NOT PERFECT. You aren't either and the TWO of US will NEVER be PERFECT. But if HE can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the BEST you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give part of him that he knows you could BREAK. Don't HURT him, don't CHANGE him, and don't EXPECT for more than he can give. Don't analyze. SMILE when he makes you HAPPY, YELL when he makes you MAD, and MISS him when his not there. LOVE hard when there is love to be had. Because PERFECT GUYS don't EXIST, but there's always ONE GUY that is PERFECT for YOU." Hi Baby, SORRY for my crazy stupid reasons TAMPO sometimes, and THANK YOU for making me HAPPY always! I Loves You! I'm looking forward for MORE YEARS to come with YOU! :)

Linggo, Disyembre 30, 2012

VW Beetle named Holga

Good day folks......
I want you to meet Holga, my beloved and trusty Volkswagen Beetle. Its a 1965 VW beetle with a 1500 air cooled engine.

I should cut the crap off, nobody cares about the history of this car unless you are a VW beetle fanatic like me!, yes, me! and if that is the case then go ahead and google it cause i dont have time for a chitchat!

Sabado, Disyembre 29, 2012

Ramdom shots and thoughts

December 29, 2012, 4:06 pm and im thinking.........

The beauty of the moon as it shines through our darkest nights, its serenity and calmness easing every angst in the world.

City lights shine on me and you.

Isn't she a beauty like the moon and the city lights?

Biyernes, Disyembre 28, 2012

What's inside my camera bag?!

What's inside my camera bag?!

Of course my camera, hence the name, but seriously whats inside my camera bag?
1. Nikon d3100 my DSLR with battery grip attached and 55-300mm 4.5-5.6 lens, quiet a set up huh?
2. 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 lens with petal lens hood
3. Olympus EP-2 with 17mm 2.8 pancake lens for my street shooting
4. Battery charger, of course for my nikon and oly
5. Cleaning Kit (cloth, blower and lenspen)
6. Tiny notebook and a pen
7. Camera accessories which include everything that is missing!
So thats it, a pretty compact nikon bag which carry everything that i needed for my shots, hopefully i can make a video on what is inside my camera bag but i guess that would be later coz im a busy person, mind you im a medical student! LOL
Hei there!! today ill showcase my cameras!
My first camera is the Nikon d3100 an entry level dlsr with an attitude, the story behind my first camera is that i sold something to purchased this one, pretty bold move but no regrets! LOL! for this camera i got two lenses the first one is the kit lens which is 18-55mm 3.5-5.6, a pretty standard zoom lens basically the only lens youll ever need and the other one is my super telephoto lens which is my nikkor 55-300mm 4.5-5.6 this is a spy lens! cheap and cool lens to own. I also got the battery grip for my camera which increases the form factor of the camera and makes portrait shots easier. This is my all around camera but due to its size i dont always carry it with me. sorry big boy.
My next camera is a mirrorless system camera, my Olympus EP-2, this is a gift from a very special person, i use this camera for my street shot cause this is more stealthy than dslr's which makes a very good camera specially when photographing people. thanks to its size i always carry it with me and always handy every time i need to take that shot.

The other two cameras that i own are film cameras, first is the Holga GCFN 120 medium format lomo so i bought this one because i got a friend who is a lomographer and i was influenced to own one. LOL. the other film camera that i own is my Polariod time zero one step instant camera, no story behind it(i never use it coz the film is bloody expensive)